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Gas Safety Registered Emergency Plumbers

Minimizing Danger by Working with them

Minimizing Danger by Working with Gas Safety Registered Emergency Plumbers

Many homes face the risks of fires, explosions and carbon monoxide poisoning due to their failure to have annual boiler servicing. The emergency plumber is just a phone call away to provide the service. Not only will the emergency plumber deal with inspection of the boiler components but will investigate for any signs for potential boiler failure. Even if you have been using the boiler for several years, some critical signs of trouble are not immediately visible like corrosion. It requires the experts to handle the complex job of ensuring that your boiler is working as it should be.



Why it is important to look for a reliable professional


Not all emergency plumbers can be called upon for boiler servicing. They have to be registered with Gas Safety to do gas work. Plumbers often need a range of qualifications before they are allowed to work on gas appliances. Illegal gas fitters work on thousands of boiler installations and put lives at risk. Dangerous gas work can compromise your life and property and it is not worth the small savings you gain since eventually you will need to spend more in rework. At the very worst, you might be facing the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning which has claimed many lives in the UK. A lot of people are duped by illegal gas fitters even it is against the law to work on boilers and gas appliances without the Gas Safety registration.


The risks of carbon monoxide poisoning


Based on the survey of Carbon Monoxide – Be Alarmed campaign, 81% know that carbon monoxide kills and 39% have the CO alarms to alert them of high levels of the dangerous gas. However, CO alarms were not designed as substitute to boiler servicing. Never assume that your gas appliances are safe but seek the Gas Safe registered emergency plumber to do the checking of the heating system and the flues to ensure safety. This is the only way to protect your family from the danger of gas leaks. You may not be aware of the symptoms while you are sleeping and it might be too late to save your life.